A single-day rise of 50,040 fresh COVID-19 infections took India's tally to 3,02,33,183, while the number of active cases dipped to 5,86,403, according to the Union Health Ministry data on Sunday. The death toll climbed to 3,95,751 with 1,258 more people succumbing to the viral disease in a day. Active cases now comprises 1.94 percent of the total infections, the data updated at 8 am showed. Recoveries outnumbered daily new cases of COVID-19 for the 45th consecutive day with the number of people who have recuperated from the disease surging to 2,92,51,029. The case fatality rate stood at 1.31 percent. While the national COVID-19 recovery rate has improved to 96.75 percent, the weekly case positivity rate has come down to 2.91 per cent. According to the ministry data, the daily positivity rate was recorded at 2.82 percent. It has been less than 5 per cent for 20 consecutive days. India administered 64.25 lakh vaccine doses in a day, taking the cumulative number of jabs given s...