New Delhi: Trouble mounted for Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut on Sunday as Enforcement Directorate officials reached his residence around 7am. According to reports, the officials are currently searching Raut's premises and questioning him in connection with Patra Chawl land scam case. Mumbai | Enforcement Directorate officials reached Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut's residence around 7am today; currently conducting a search and questioning Raut, in connection with Patra Chawl land scam case — ANI (@ANI) July 31, 2022 The ED officials visited his residence after he skipped its summons twice in the case linked to alleged irregularities in the re-development of a Mumbai 'chawl' and related financial transactions involving his wife and alleged associates. The Shiv Sena leader was summoned by the probe agency on 27 July after he skipped an earlier summon citing the ongoing Parliament session in Delhi. The Rajya Sabha MP, who is in the Udd...