Prime Minister Narendra Modi today will launch Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) month-long pan-India campaign, ‘Maha Jansampark’, in poll-bound Rajasthan’s Ajmer covering all 543 Lok Sabha constituencies. PM Modi will also offer prayers at the famous Brahma temple in the holy town of Pushkar, nearly 15 km from Ajmer city, before addressing the public rally. He is scheduled to reach Kishangarh airport at 3 pm. Rajasthan, where the ruling Congress is caught in a leadership tussle between Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and his former deputy Sachin Pilot, goes to the polls this year-end. Modi will travel by helicopter from Kishangarh airport to Pushkar, where he will offer prayers at the Brahma temple from 3.40 pm to 4 pm. He will then travel by helicopter to a helipad near the rally venue – Kayad Vishram Sthali – on Jaipur road at 4.45 pm, police sources said. Union ministers Arjun Ram Meghwal and Kailash Chaudhary, and other BJP leaders from Rajasthan will attend the meeting. Ajmer Nort...