India added 45,083 new coronavirus infections taking the total tally of COVID-19 cases to 3,26,95,030, while active cases registered an increase for the fifth consecutive day, according to the Union health ministry data updated on Sunday. The number of new cases has been above the 40,000 mark for the fourth day. In the last 24 hours, active cases increased by 8,783, taking the active caseload to 3,68,558, which comprises 1.13 percent of the total infections. Five states accounted for 89.17 percent of the total cases, with Kerala contributing 31,265 cases in the past 24 hours, followed by Maharashtra with 4,831 cases, Tamil Nadu with 1,551 cases, Andhra Pradesh with 1,321 cases and Karnataka with 1,229 cases. Meanwhile, 10 states/UTs have reported a rise in active cases. The difference between new cases reported in the last seven days and preceding seven days in India is +17 percent; the world average is at -2 percent. The total active cases in Kerala has been above th...