New Delhi: The 74th Republic Day parade displayed the military strength and cultural diversity from the revamped Kartavya Path in Delhi, for the first time on Thursday. The Republic Day parade highlighted India’s military prowess & cultural diversity, depicting the country’s growing indigenous capabilities, Nari Shakti and emergence of a ‘New India’. The parade started with Parade Commander, Lieutenant General Dhiraj Seth, a recipient of Ati Vishisth Seva Medal, marching down the Kartavya Path, followed by the Parade Second-in-Command, Major General Bhavnish Kumar. The first contingent in the uniform of the 61 Cavalry were led by Captain Raizada Shaurya Bali. With the amalgamation of all the “State Horse Units,” the 61 Cavalry is the only serving active horse cavalry regiment in the world. This year, only Made-in-India weapon systems will be showcased at the Republic Day parade, which included ammunition showcasing India’s indigenization power such as 21 Gun Salute through ‘Ma...