People who failed to respond to the 12-year-old rape survivor’s cries for help in Madhya Pradesh’s Ujjain may be held accountable under the child sex abuse laws, the police have said. A senior Madhya Pradesh police officer told NDTV that those people will be charged for “failing to report or register the commission” of a crime under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Jayant Singh Rathore, an Additional Superintendent of Police (Ujjain) said that one such person, an autorickshaw driver named Rakesh Malviya, has been identified for knowingly not informing the police of the crime. “If more people are found, and it is clear they did not help (the girl) or did not inform the police, we will take legal action,” Rathore said. In a shocking video, the minor girl, who was seen knocking door-to-door to ask for help as she was soaked in blood, was shooed away by people. The Chief of Police, Sachin Sharma, said that the girl had Rs 120 in her hand which was...